Not necessary but highly effective in cutting down on reading time for the end user with such visual cues.ĥ. Similarly for obstacles in the form of construction at or around the fields in your flight plan will be marked as 'Obstacles', Runway changes would be tagged 'Runway', Unavailable parking would be tagged as 'Parking' and so on. For example, a NOTAM about a particular taxiway being closed will be tagged with a 'Taxiway' label. NOTAMs have received a similar 'smart' function where it seems to read what it says and then tag it as such. Excellent for the hit & run pilots among us that just want to get a flight plan done within minutes.Ĥ.
Weather reports have been improved and now have a timeline to them aiding a user to see exactly when something noteworthy is expected to happen for the chosen airfields (things like Fog, Haze, reduction in visibility, etc - all have a color-coded highlight to them making it very simple to refer to a METAR/TAF and then getting an accurate timeline on when it is predicted for that particular condition to become active). Performance has improved considerably (especially using auto-routing, alternate aerodromes planning, weather parsing)ģ. There is no official changelog to v2 or the hotfix v2.01 but here are some of the things I found updated/new:Ģ.